As a human I fight everyday against the damages caused by the current discours that fuels my pain, anger, insecurities and anxieties. A constant power struggle that I’m exposed to, contradictions that questions my existence and confronts my identity with the notion that I’m a nobody, that in the end I don’t matter.
Making art is my way to speak, to be rebellious, to be different and to defy expectations of society. Its about taking the hard road while I could have taken an easy one. About survival when the odds are against me, a girl, a woman, a single mother, a double cultural background, a middle class person.
My work is about getting perspective while making the emotional relationships that I have visible. Exposing the narrative that as people and thus me as an artist, my individuality is in unity with relationships that I have with my family, friends and surroundings. A narrative that is part of our society that we either take for granted or even worse neglect to acknowledge when it might be of importance.
What inspires me are the stories of people that remind me of our humanity in a poetic way. That does’t judges us for our flaws and faults but inspire us to change and emancipate. That no matter the devastation, hope will always brighten the way to possibilities.
Art, mostly by feminist artist, that empower me because courage is needed for me to tell and create work about these topics. Courage to help me stay vulnerable in he proces and to speak from the heart because in the end of the day I do matter.
© 2019 Alona van Rosmalen